Over the last thirteen years I have been organizing and leading medical and dental teams into remote underserved areas of central and southeast Asia for a US based NGO.

Many times when we arrive in these areas our clinic locations are empty buildings, makeshift tents, or in some cases a group of folding chairs under the shade of a large tree in the center of town.

Coming into a small village with a team of 20-25 health care providers can create quite a stir especially if you are a child with limited exposure to foreigners. Through the eyes of a child it must seem feel like the circus has come to town.

As the day progresses, clusters of young children gather to peer into open windows or through cracks in the tents to catch a glimpse of whats happening inside. Over the years I have collected an entire library of images of these children trying the see what’s just on the other side of window or metaphorically the other side of the world.

Always curious and polite they capture the hope and opportunity that medical/dental access provides especially in areas that have not seem a visiting health care provide in years, if ever.

My hope this day, with this play, is that we can regain our catalyst for hope and opportunity in the world. That we continue to model for others the amazing generosity and compassion Americans have for others besides ourselves.