Shapes and Shadows

Black and white sailboats riffed and ready for sail
Boats wait ready for their Captains arrival at sunset

The interplay of shapes and shadows always holds a photographers attention. Shadows hiding parts of the story not immediately apparent while shapes creating a story of their own in beautiful design and form.

With the sun approaching the horizon layers of atmosphere filter out the hard secular edges bringing most every subject and landscapes into perfect light.

In this space, at this time, photography finally comes into some of its true potential. Moving parts all calling out for someone to organized them. The frames lines of the cameras viewfinder providing the boundaries. Point of focus and depth of field competing for attention. A photographers unique point of view driving how much to include and what to leave behind.

It’s about as personal as it can be in the end. A true representation of what the photographer is seeing and feeling at any given moment. All possible with elements immediately at hand. A camera. And the courage to share who you are and how you see the world.