Tatoo Doorway

Really wanted to shift the direction this play. Pushing past the current subject to find something new. Interestingly, when the opportunity presents itself you need to respond. A friend agreed to spend time with me for a photograph today. It was not what I was looking for, but one thing lead to another and here is where I ended up.

Following your initial idea can give you what you might be looking for many times. Giving into the moment and seeing what you might find is a whole other topic. It might not match your idea from the outset or meet the expectation, but where exploration can take you can be a world away from where you started.

I never knew he had these tattoos. It was his face I was always interested in. The location was a chance encounter. A door unlocked and the random twist of a doorknob. Each element leading to the next until we ended up here. Random encounter piled onto the next random encounter. With a camera and an open mind, the reason for looking and exploring never seems to end.