The Weekend….at last

Talk about packing in the days….. we hardly made it into the country and we hit the ground running with school obligations and filling the basic needs of life from sheets for the bed to a case of cold beer. 

We made it to the weekend just as the brain and body could take no more.

We finished Friday with beer and dinner at a place about 15 minutes drive via motorbike from Ubud. Met up with several other GS teachers then sped home along the dark roads back to our little abode outside town. It was a pretty surreal scene. To think that less that a week earlier we were on I-5 heading to the airport and I was in Guatemala days before that.

With the internet finally working at our flat we spent Saturday morning answering the piles of email and unanswered questions. Turns out our home for next month we had found on the first day here turned out not to be and so we are on the hunt for a new place once our month in this flat runs out Sept 1.

We decided on the three prong approach to house hunting Indo style. Call the local agent who will meet us later this afternoon. Canvas the local coffee shops in the neighborhoods we want to live looking for postings on community bulletin boards. And randomly approach anyone we meet or talk to with “ well…we just moved here and we are looking for a long term rental"  Surprisingly this last approach seems to work the best.  Ended the day looking at a total of seven different spots ranging in price from $300 per month to over $1200. with just a big a range in quality and cleanliness. Everything from traditional Balinese to full on Western style condo living. Crazy.  We feel a little like that HGTV program House Hunters International (the houses are nearly as exotic) we used to watch at home all the time…..but way more fun.

Finished the day at a local Balinese place for dinner just down the road from our current flat.  Tired, hot and sticky from the day of motorbiking around Bali we settle into our best TV show characters and review the days finds over cold beer and a candlelight.

No this is not one of our finds…but John Hardy’s showroom for his jewelery collection near the Green School