Barking Dog Acceptance


Your all familiar with it already. Acceptance. Everyone wants it.  It’s an almost  universally held standard. But getting it from those around you…now that’s another story.

We have received a wonderful welcomed over the last 2 ½ weeks. The local family that runs our little house. Hey they love us…. People on the street embrace us with a warm smile and a “good morning” without hesitation. But there is a large group here that without exception does not like us. Or at least has been slow to provide a favorable reception.

The dogs. And this is an island full of dogs. Mangy, nasty, always suspect of rabies, never going to pet you…. dogs.

Now most that know me have wrongly judged me as not a lover of dogs. OK… maybe they don’t make my top 5 list of my most loved animals. …but these dogs here, they don’t know anything me. They just plain hate me and everyone traveling with me. Barking when we leave, barking when we return. Barking directly at us no matter what we do. Random dogs on the street see us and start barking. I’m embarrassed to say we have turned back around on occasion just to avoid the inevitable dog that will certainly start the moment we approach.

Well I’m happy to report that at least for our local dogs around the house… they seem to have finally given us the welcome we think we deserve.

A barking dog acceptance of sorts.

Now they treat us to the recognition we want… I think. They just lay there as we walk buy, either to tired to get up or to wrapped up in their own doggy sleep dreams to be bothered with some white guy walking by.

Ah acceptance…just like I like it. Quite and peaceful. I don’t bother you and you don’t bother me. That’s how it works right? Just like in humans.

Now, I’m not saying that we have reached island wide embrace yet, but I feel we are making inroads… well on our way to a quieter and more harmonious island experience for all.

Maybe these guys might break into that top five after all.