Scooter Diaries

Scooter Diaries

Riding two on a bike has more advantages than just being green. The seating allows conversation between passenger and driver greater than you might imagine. While I’m death gripped on the handle bars up front…Teri gives me the run down on the latest at work and points out things I’m not seeing as I navigate the numerous hazards splayed out before me.

As we dodge another pot hole the size of small State she comments…

” it’s amazing how quickly we adapt to this world rushing past us. Hardly anything surprises me any more”

And with that simple observation my thoughts drifts to the power behind those works.

How adaptable are we as a species?

If the last several months are any indication..highly adaptable.  Nothing phases us here any more. We are rarely surprised by things we see or feel as we traverse the day.  We have totally adapted to a completely different point of view. The culture here has washed over us usurping our previous bench mark and replacing it with a totally new normal.

Five on a motor problem. Insects the size of small house pets..bring it on. Rice every meal breakfast, lunch, and dinner..why not. People bathing on the side of the road in a ditch as we drive by….no big deal.  A months worth of rain at home in one hour here…nearly everyday.

We have adapted all of this as our new perspective… and it was surprisingly easy.

It only required letting go just long enough to allow what is already hardwired into our DNA to actually come to the surface.  It is after all what really separates us from all the others animals. The ability to adapt and change when presented with a new set of conditions and expectations.

Ultimately, I think it only takes being curious enough to allow it to happen.

The hardest part of going home next week is that very lack of openness to change.  Holding to those same old hardened positions that have us turning our backs on the greatest thing our species has to offer. Adaptability.

Why do we work so hard to suppress the very essence of our most valuable genetic maker?

Change is the only constant in our life. It makes us who we are as much as the color of our eyes or the subtle tone of our voice.

Standing back and seeing the transformation in me and my scooter mate is a mind blowing experience. How do I take that back with me this week as I return home?
Back to a place where the curiosity to even consider another point of view is gone.

But for the moment… we are… two on a bike riding down a crowded road. End of the day light warm and rich on our faces. Arms around my waist from behind, my hand on the throttle…driving towards another new point of view.