Found Light


Finding good light in photography is consistently the first prerequisite. Of all the elements necessary to take a great picture finding a beautiful light source reliability remains at the top of the list. Compelling subject matter, creative composition and unique point of view all take a backseat to the foundation of photography. Light.

It’s a Pavlovian response for a photographer. The light reaches a low arc in the sky. The color temperature growing rich and saturated. Attention quickly turning to the proximity of a camera bag. In its presence the visual world takes a radical turn from the “ho hum” to the “oh my” very quickly.

Photographers respond to beautiful light with good reason. It creates the texture they crave. Shaping and contouring the subject matter. While providing a counter point of highlight and shadow that forms a working place for depth and perspective. Without good light the challenge to shooting compelling photography is substantial. It can be natural or artificial, but the results and responses to its quality are indisputable.

I’m always on the look out for changes in light quality. Raw unfiltered from the source or passing through a secondary layer of water and glass as represented here. It’s not always easy to find or create, but just like the ring of a bell the response. Undeniable.

Shadows long and heavy. Highlights crisp and clean. A found piece of lighting heaven happily awaiting to be consumed.