Backstage Beauty

Like photography, dance or any performing art for that matter depends on the artist drawing on both sides of the brain. The creative right and the analytical left. The balance between the two challenges the performer to find just the right steps to execute the routine as intended and to artistically express the intent of the choreography.

As preparation and preproduction work assures success in photography some of the magic of dance happens backstage before the performance as well. The finishing touches of makeup and costume. The final rehearsal of critical steps. Nerves calmed as the sound of the theatre patrons gathered just on the other side of the curtain. It’s here that the chance to capture those moments in photography is the most rewarding. Watching as dancers hustle about and discover the singular moments across the troupe as they make the final preparations to perform.

Like the day of the big shoot. The photographer draws on many of the same talents as the dancer. Using the camera as a dance partner. Expressing the intent of your client and infusing your creative point of view all at the same time.
After weeks of preparation finally realized. The curtain goes up. And it’s showtime.