
It’s fun to walk the streets with a camera passing by the other residents and along the treelined roads, but it’s the alley that really holds the soul of a neighborhood. Down this often abandoned path is where the real mechanics of the block lives amoung the deserted back entrances and discarded items. The part that makes it all work on the front side sits happily on the backside; each resident represented in this case by a meter keeping track of time and life one-meter tick at a time.

This speaks to my love of repetition. The missing meter slightly ironic as if the owner decided to take his with him. The awning cover stating the obvious for all to see like anyone had doubts exactly what was on the other side. All the meters the same, but just slightly different. Just like us. The whole scene had a funny juxtaposition. Something you frequently find when we walk the alleys of any American town.