Things that go bump in the road

So….we decided to run into Ubud for dinner last night just after dark. It is a little cool in the evenings here so we grab our sweaters and head out the door. The motor bike we ride on together is just at the entrance to the small compound where a large Balinese family who owns our place lives.  We crank up the scooter and hop on for the 15 min run into town with the thousand of other scooters running around.

We live in a fairly rural area here in Sayan which is one of the main reasons we were looking for a new place closer to town. It is certainly peaceful and quite here, but just a little too far out….I digress.

To get to the main road were we will join the others in scooter mania.. we must first travel down a single track dirt path, like a mountain bike trail really,  surrounded by tall dense forest for about a ¼ mile. From there it is another mile up a very steep, narrow and winding road emerging onto the crazy scene that is the main road to Ubud. It is not a long distance to the main road but the transition can be extreme and even in the day light more than a little challenging.

Now remember it is dark. Really dark.

Tooling down the single track road with only the scooter light illuminating the trail we are feeling flush with the prospect of the evening ahead…just as we emerge from the forest onto the steep narrow road… the headlight of our scooter reveals on the road…really across the entire road.. the largest snake I have ever see outside a zoo and we are headed right for it. I really have no choice. It is too late to stop. It is to big to stop. There is no place to stop that would not put us right on top of it… so I just had to keep going.

I’m not kidding you.. we both screamed liked two 13 year old girls at a Justin Bieber concert. Feet raised as high in the air as we could. It must have looked and sounded like quite a fright. It so freaked us out that by the time we made it to the main road a mile away we were still in shock from the experience.

We debated about going back but is was so blasted dark down there and what little of it that we did see before we T-boned it further convinced us we would just have to wait till our return later that evening. Maybe a few Bintangs would give us more courage than we displayed only a moment before.

Upon our return several hours later we creped slowly down the trail not sure what we would find around the now famous “snake corner”. Alas….nothing. Either it slithered off  to a certain demise with a few extra tire prints in its back or the next person down the trail decide it would make a cheaper dinner than even we found in town that night.

Either way it made us glad we had a good old scare, made me realize just how loud I could scream and made us both happy we were on that bike together for another crazy experience here in Indonesia.