
Impressions after One Month in Bali

Men gather on raised wooden platforms acknowledge our passing, clean streets transition into garbage strewn stream banks, four on a motor scooter families heading home, bamboo wind chimes blanket the countryside air like a movie soundtrack, rosters crow for recognition, new neighbors smile and laugh as we carry overstuffed bags past their homes, memories of past luxuries fade in the face of new realities, morning toast created over an open flame, bundles of unrecognized currency meld into colorful patterns, unknown treetop noises wait definition. barking dogs battle for prominence, whisking sounds of cleaned walkways mix with my morning shower, motorbike horns cry out for danger ahead, morning coffee grounds sticking to the rim of my cup, waiters wait for simple gestures, shoes stacked outside doors wait adventures ahead, tears of frustration mask deeper conflict, leaders speak of unrealized dreams and hopes never to be fulfilled, inches separate death and disability, with distractions gone…focus returns.